Incrementum Housing, Warrington
Sector: Housing
Project value: £28m
Framework: SCAPE Construction | Beyond the Public Sector
Affordable new homes: 161
Not only should this create additional income for the council, but it will also boost affordable housing in the town.”
Cllr Maureen McLaughlin
Portfolio Holder for Housing, Public Health and Wellbeing | Warrington Borough Council
The creation of sustainable housing that sets the standard of modern living in Warrington.
The UK is still facing an under-supply of affordable housing and Warrington Borough Council, like many councils across the country, is having to find new ways of generating revenue to fund investment and development across the Borough.
Incrementum Housing Development Company was set up by Warrington Borough Council to help tackle the shortfall of affordable housing across the borough. The local authority owned commercial enterprise is tasked with delivering 600 fair rental homes over the next five years which would in turn create a sustainable income to be reinvested back into the Council.
The first two projects will see the construction of 161 new properties for private and affordable rent. The projects will be built simultaneously across two former school sites, and include a mixture of two- and three-bedroom houses and one and two-bedroom apartments. Additional funding from Homes England’s Accelerated Construction funding is supporting the developments.
These developments are the first for Incrementum, and will provide the first 27% of 600 new affordable homes urgently needed in Warrington.
Supporting the Council’s build to rent strategy, the aim of the developments is to set a standard for modern living in Warrington and to attract and retain the local population. Therefore, it is important that the homes are built fit for purpose, constructed in the right places and with the right standard in terms of affordability and accessibility, particularly for those with disabilities and the elderly.
These projects were procured using the SCAPE Construction framework for beyond the public sector. It provided Incrementum with a responsible procurement solution that reflected the project aspirations of delivering value for money and high social value. The two sites, owned by Warrington Borough Council, at the former Sycamore Community Primary School in Great Sankey and former Foxwood School, Chatfield, have been disused for a number of years. The developments have been designed and procured to deliver a range of positive impacts for the local environment, economy, community and the Council.
Both projects have started on site with SCAPE delivery partner, Wates. The site at the former Sycamore Community Primary School will be developed into 92 properties and named Sycamore View. The site at the former Foxwood School will boast 69 new homes and be named Foxwood.
For projects beyond the public sector, the SCAPE Construction framework provides a responsible procurement approach with a focus on social value, reflecting the requirements and expectations set out by Warrington Borough Council. Balancing speed and efficiency with value for money and cost certainty, the Council has benefited from a procurement solution that provides invaluable early support by Wates to take both sites from concept design and budget development, through the planning process and to site for construction.
Due for completion in 2022, the two projects will help Warrington Borough Council through Incrementum to kickstart its housing delivery programme.
92 new properties consisting of 47 two-storey houses and 45 apartments at Sycamore View, and a further 69 properties consisting of 32 two-storey houses and 37 apartments at Foxwood, will be available for private rent and private affordable rent.
Collaborative working between the client, contractor and SCAPE, through the framework’s early contractor involvement process, identified a range of sustainable initiatives which have been included in the build. The new homes will benefit from ground source heat pumps and roof-mounted photovoltaic panels to provide electricity for tenants. These design benefits will ensure these homes are efficient to run for the tenants and minimise negative impacts on the environment aiding Warrington Borough Council on their journey to Carbon Zero by 2030. Additionally, to improve the sense of community and wellbeing, the properties will benefit from shared community green spaces with green corridor links running through them.
Delivering positive impact and social value, both for the local community and the Council, is built into the fabric of SCAPE frameworks. Through collaboration with Incrementum and Wates, the developments will deliver a range of positive outcomes for the local community including; generating local employment opportunities, use of local SMEs, volunteering initiatives and an enhanced environment, as well as to the Council, who will benefit from a sustainable income.
The overwhelming benefit of the framework allows Incrementum to access a full range of professional services under one pre-qualifying contract. This saves considerable time on procurement, and has the added advantage of allowing us to work directly with the main contractor throughout the initial stages, ensuring the housing is designed for maximum efficiency and buildability.”
Jonathan Smith
Principal Development Manager | Incrementum Housing Development Company
Affordable new homes
Housing initiatives
Employment opportunities
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