Public sector procurement
Aligned to the Construction Playbook
Our public sector frameworks are designed to ensure safe, sustainable and productive construction, delivering value for all stakeholders and leaving lasting sustainable legacies in communities.
Mirroring the principles outlined in the Construction Playbook, our priorities have been at the heart of what we do since 2006.
A proven track record
We have a proven track record of embedding the highest standards of health and safety through our procurement and ongoing management activity in support of our clients. Our in-house construction health and safety specialists support the procurement and operation of our frameworks, complementing the sector-leading capabilities of our delivery partners.
Across our frameworks we adopt the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) and promote the Construction Logistics & Community Safety (CLOCS) standard for safe site logistics. Since 2018, projects procured through SCAPE have delivered an average CCS score that is 7% better than the overall UK average. Importantly, projects delivered through SCAPE score 2% on average better than those delivered through alternate procurement routes.
Safe, sustainable procurement
We’re proud to support both government and industry in procuring and delivering buildings that are safe and sustainable in use.
As a founder signatory to the Building Safety Charter, we believe nothing is so important it cannot be delivered safely and sustainably.
We select our framework partners who can measure and manage project carbon emissions in accordance with the PAS 2080 and construction waste in accordance with PAS 402 best practice.
All our delivery partners are required to produce an annual carbon reduction plan in line with PPN 21/06, and we review progress against as part of our annual framework reviews.
Our procurement, research, advocacy and industry leadership on sustainability was recognised with SCAPE and SCAPE Scotland the first public sector procurement organisations to secure champion status with the Cambridge Carbon Reduction Code.
We establish frameworks that are the foundations for long-lasting and meaningful collaboration:
enabling you to establish long-term partnerships with our delivery partners
creating the environment for collaboration in project supply chains to support local, SME and socially motivated suppliers in your communities
bringing together our sector-leading framework delivery partners to work on the toughest challenges our industry faces, like: the transition to zero emissions, the adoption of Building Information Management (BIM) and the eradication of modern slavery in our supply chains

Frameworks for the public sector, by the public sector
We're a not-for-profit procurement authority, and any surplus income we generate is reinvested in the public sector.