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New consultancy frameworks launched to help build back better

News Consultancy announcement header 2020


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Announcing the new SCAPE Consultancy team

Following a rigorous and fully compliant process, the procurement for SCAPE Consultancy and SCAPE SCOTLAND Consultancy has now concluded.

Five teams have secured places on these two new direct award frameworks, which operate across six dedicated lots.

Together, these new frameworks have been designed to help our public sector colleagues achieve better project outcomes, from individual assets through to major town and city centre regeneration initiatives, whilst embedding sustainability and zero carbon options that will help to drive the national response to the climate emergency.

The results of this procurement are as follows:






Lot 1

England, Wales & NI

SCAPE Consultancy | Built Environment


Perfect Circle (a company jointly owned by Pick Everard, Gleeds and AECOM)

Lot 2

England, Wales & NI

SCAPE Consultancy | Infrastructure


Perfect Circle (a company jointly owned by Pick Everard, Gleeds and AECOM)

Lot 3

England, Wales & NI

SCAPE Consultancy | Place Shaping



Lot 1


SCAPE SCOTLAND Consultancy | Built Environment



Lot 2


SCAPE SCOTLAND Consultancy | Infrastructure


Triskelion (Arcadis, Sweco and Fairhurst)

Lot 3


SCAPE SCOTLAND Consultancy | Place Shaping



Each consultancy partner will be appointed by SCAPE’s direct award approach and supported by an extensive local supply chain to help accelerate projects and amplify the creation of local economic, environmental and social impact on every project.

Accessible to any public sector organisation, the SCAPE Consultancy frameworks will offer the broadest range of professional services available in the construction industry under three distinct lots providing specialist support in each area:

SCAPE Consultancy | Built Environment
SCAPE Consultancy | Infrastructure
SCAPE Consultancy | Place Shaping

SCAPE Consultancy | Built Environment is a dynamic consultancy service offer, which includes design, project management and quantity surveying dedicated to supporting new construction projects and existing public assets.

SCAPE Consultancy | Infrastructure provides dedicated consultancy services to support the design, delivery and maintenance of our essential infrastructure across the United Kingdom.

SCAPE Consultancy | Place Shaping offers a unique and specialist suite of strategic advisory services ranging from funding advice, policy development, estate rationalisation, as well as asset, risk and development management.

The quality of the bids we received were simply outstanding. Our new partners for these frameworks have the capacity to be transformative for our colleagues in the public sector seeking specialist consultancy support for projects in their communities."

Mark Robinson

Group chief executive | SCAPE

The new frameworks are an evolution of the SCAPE built environment consultancy services (BECS) framework, which was operated with a quantum value of £350m and launched in 2016. Led by Perfect Circle, the BECS framework was widely embraced by the public sector, delivering more than 1,000 commissions and engaging with more than 335 SMEs through its local supply chains.

The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on communities this year, but it has also highlighted that the connection between people and place matters more than ever. Maximising our community assets and reinventing our public spaces through creative placemaking will play a key role towards both Covid and climate recovery. This is why we are looking forward to working with the local authorities through the SCAPE SCOTLAND Consultancy | Place Shaping framework to help them successfully deliver projects that will bring real benefit to their communities.”

Colin McCreath

Leader of Infrastructure Advisory Services in Scotland | Arup

Our team is delighted to once again be part of the SCAPE family of frameworks. SCAPE’s commitment to social value and excellence is something that we share and are extremely passionate about. We are looking forward to collaborating with our framework partners and identifying opportunities to enable investment into Scottish communities and create a national-scale SCAPE legacy in Scotland.”

Jon Sealy

UK & Europe managing director | Faithful+Gould

I am delighted that Mace has been appointed to deliver SCAPE Consultancy | Place Shaping. These are particularly challenging times for the public sector when budgets are under great pressure to deliver more with less. We will draw upon our decades of experience and expertise, working with our expert supply chain to successfully unlock the potential of our clients’ projects to create a lasting legacy and societal value for the long-term.”

Jason Millett

Chief executive for Consultancy | Mace

We are absolutely delighted that both the SCAPE Consultancy | Built Environment and the SCAPE Consultancy | Infrastructure frameworks have been awarded to Perfect Circle. Our impressive partnership with SCAPE is now set to further strengthen and we look forward to continuing the involvement, growth and collaboration with our extensive and diverse supply chain. We will share and engage the industry ambition, expertise and innovation to build back better. Our teams will continue to provide value driven services with a dynamic and digital approach to meet the most challenging of needs of our public sector clients. We will be at the forefront of the green industrial revolution crucially promoting projects that underpin the country’s economic recovery and deliver a lasting legacy.”

Duncan Green

Chair | Perfect Circle

Triskelion has brought together the best Scotland can offer in a collaboration of Arcadis, SWECO and Fairhurst, combining our collective strengths in terms of technical expertise, existing client relationships and market intelligence. We believe supporting training, education and community projects can make a real difference to society and we are delighted to have been appointed to this nationally significant framework. Covid-19 recovery will see a drive to rebuild the Scottish economy which will provide a major boost for the Scottish Infrastructure market. We regard the SCAPE framework as being integral to delivering high quality infrastructure projects and assisting economic recovery.”

Mark Cowlard

CEO - UK & Ireland | Arcadis (on behalf of Triskelion)

The new agreements will run from January 2021 until 2025, with the option of a two-year extension.