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Mark Robinson, SCAPE Chief Executive named "Personality of the Year".

Mark Robinson Personality of the Year Build Awards 2019 01


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Initially attending the Building Magazine Awards evening to participate as a judge, little did Mark know that he was going to be named "Personality of the Year."

The awards celebrate and showcase the very best projects and individuals who are driving construction forward and improving perceptions. In a time where the double-edged sword of Brexit and an acute construction skills shortage continues to challenge public sector organisations, reflecting on collective positive efforts to drive the industry forward could not have come at a better time.

The "Personality of the Year" award is reserved for individuals who are able to inspire the industry through strength of character, who are respected for their passion, drive and business success. In short, someone who has really made an impact.

I feel immensely proud to have received this award. It represents the hard work and success of everyone at SCAPE and I'd like to encourage you all to share this with me, celebrate and be proud of the part we all play in keeping our industry thriving.

Mark Robinson

SCAPE, Chief Executive

With community benefits and embedded social value sitting at the heart of the SCAPE ethos and every project we deliver, it is an honour to have our GCE recognised at a national level. However, as with any award, this achievement belongs to all of us; to every colleague at SCAPE, every one of our partners and their supply chains, who have made this all possible.

Together, we are continuing to raise the profile of construction and infrastructure, inspiring the next generation and positively helping to shape the UK's workforce of the future.