Video: BIM – Creating Value, Not Complexity
Watch our latest video below, to learn how BIM (Business Information Modelling) technology transformed projects such as the iMET in Huntingdon, the National College for High Speed Rail in Birmingham, and the MET Office Supercomputer in Exeter, delivering world-class buildings faster, with greater efficiency, and significant ongoing cost-savings.
The benefits of using BIM stretch from the initial planning and design stages, all the way through to construction. Contractors can now use BIM installed on mobile devices allowing them to make critical decisions when on-site – this digital way of working drives efficiency, and saves hours of project time.
Without the BIM model, I would not have been able to deliver on time.
Ralph James, FM & Technical Services Manager, Met Office Supercomputer
Using the BIM model during a late project design change at the Met Office Supercomputer reduced project delay time by over 60%. If traditional, 2D design models had been used, they could have delayed the project by 12 weeks, which was simply not an option in tight timescales for delivery.
BIM also benefits the whole life cost of the building, by enabling more efficient asset monitoring and ongoing facilities maintenance. For example, BIM data outputs ensures that an engineer can locate the exact problem on-site and already has the correct replacement parts, which saves significant costs.
BIM pays for itself.
Clare Mowbray, Chief Executive, NCHSR
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