SCAPE adopt Building a Safer Future
As a leading public procurement authority, we are proud to have adopted the Building a Safer Future (BSF) initiative and embedded this within our frameworks.
Taking proactive steps and actions ahead of regulation allows us to use our influence to drive change through our UK-wide partner and supply chain networks.
The adoption of the BSF, both at SCAPE and at Crown Commercial Service, will support the construction industry to address critical areas of challenge in relation to building safety – and will focus on driving a step change in culture and leadership.
Within our frameworks, we now include both ‘BSF Champion’ status and ‘Registered Signatory’ status as requirements at different levels. Working alongside BSF, we collaborate with Crown Commercial Service on this initiative to encourage adoption across the industry.
To accelerate a cultural shift in the built environment, the BSF Charter was created and helps to ensure that buildings are safe for those living and working in them and protects life by putting safety first, ahead of all other building priorities. The charter is focussed on driving up standards, changing culture and behaviours and raising the bar in relation to building safety from design through to management and maintenance.
"We firmly believe that nothing is so important that it cannot be delivered safely. Construction projects are complex and require extensive coordination. However, every construction project should put building safety first and ensure the wellbeing and safety of each building, operative, visitor and the wider local community. This should apply to every project, irrespective of size or complexity. "
Mark Robinson
Group Chief Executive, SCAPE
Mark continued: "A culture of safety is a choice, and it is created by design. It requires constant communication, rigorous application and the ongoing evaluation of site operating procedures. At SCAPE, we’re proud to have amassed an exemplar track record on building safety across the UK, so we were thrilled to take a proactive leadership role with this important initiative.
"The principles and commitments of Building a Safer Future and the BSF Champions process closely align to our own values and those held by our colleagues at Crown Commercial Service. As a team, we are delighted to lend our voice and experience to help bring about the cultural and behavioural change that is sorely needed across the sector."
As well as adhering to the standards embedded within our frameworks, construction companies can engage with our commitment to BSF by becoming:
- A BSF Signatory – publicly and proactively supporting five pledges that demonstrate a commitment to protecting life by putting safety first, ahead of all other building priorities.
- A BSF Champion - through robust self-assessment, benchmarking and independent. verification, BSF helps companies identify potential issues and, in turn, develop continuous improvement plans to advance their overall approach and performance on leadership and culture in relation to building safety and drive up standards across the sector.
As one of the UK’s leading public sector procurement authorities, we are dedicated to creating spaces and places that leave a sustainable legacy within the community. The SCAPE group of companies also includes Arc Partnership, an innovative joint venture between Nottinghamshire County Council and SCAPE, and Lungfish Architects. Both organisations have committed to adopting the principles contained within the BSF Charter and to participating themselves in the BSF Champions programme where this is applicable.
I am delighted that two major procurement frameworks, SCAPE and Crown Commercial Service, have chosen to adopt Building a Safer Future as a critical lever of change. This trailblazing development will further support the construction industry to take the critical steps to put building safety first, and recognise those that do so. I encourage other procurement frameworks to follow their lead.”
Amanda Long
Chief Executive, Building a Safer Future
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