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Social Value Benchmarking

Social value benchmarking report Project Image 01

Issued: 14/06/2021

Updated: 07/02/2022

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A review of the Social and Local Economic Value (SLEV), illustrating that construction projects of all sizes can create meaningful social value outcomes in the community, produced in partnership with Social Value Portal.

Based on an analysis of over 1,400 construction projects completed over the past seven years, ranging in size from £10,000 to over £1.4bn, our report provides a clear benchmark for the aggregate Social and Local Economic Value (SLEV) across all contract sizes.

The report supports but also challenges some of the current thinking around the creation, measurement and playback of social value, and includes our collective recommendations for building on this in the future, as well as some best practice case studies from TeamSCAPE partners who are continuing to set the highest standards.

It is and has always been our view that social value should be regarded as an investment in a sustainable futures for our communities, from both a social and an environmental perspective.

This report reveals that even the smallest projects can be used to create meaningful social and local value if partners are engaged early, and the case studies demonstrate how this can increase innovative ways of delivering social, economic and environmental benefits to meet the needs of our clients and their communities.

Alison Ramsey

Social value and performance manager, SCAPE