#MarketingWithMollie - My Work Experience Week
During my work experience placement I met lots of lovely people, who are very passionate about what they do. This was evident every day, as they all went to great lengths to do their very best, but even when working hard they still managed to make it a very welcoming and fun working environment.
I attended a Marketing team meeting, where I met everyone and found out what work people were doing and what I would be joining in and helping out with. I mainly worked with Chloe, who wanted my help researching and planning the next social event for the whole office. After lots of research and brainstorming I came up with the idea of the Escape Rooms in Nottingham. Once I’d found the key information about the rooms, I created various invitations and posters advertising the event. I made these using a website called Canva, which was new to me but very easy to use and I adapted to using it quickly and thoroughly enjoyed playing around with it to make different designs. I also took part in my first social post of the week, using the hashtag #MarketingWithMollie, which can be found on SCAPE's Twitter and LinkedIn.
I undertook some research for Jonathan, into what people in the industry were saying about the Secondary School building market. I enjoy doing independent research tasks at school, so doing this was enjoyable and interesting as the topic was very different to what I would research there. However, it was also slightly more challenging as I had very little information to start with so I had to go with anything I could find. After some hard research though, I had a breakthrough and managed to find some larger companies with detailed websites, I was then able to find out what services they offer, read their case studies and some even showed their current projects.
I was involved in a meeting regarding the housing crisis and then realised it was closely linked to what I would cover in my A-Level Economics lessons, and Janet, had the brilliant idea of me writing a blog about it. In the blog I covered how the housing crisis relates to economics and my economic understanding behind the problem and how it, theoretically, should be solved. However, since working here I have realised that nothing is ever solved as simply as economics would suggest! I also helped Andrea, with organising the Arc Partnership website. Recently all the teams had been moved around and people had joined new teams, so my job was to update the website and add everyone to the correct teams so they were easily accessible on the website. Despite facing a few problems of people going by different names that were on the website, I managed to get everyone in the right team with a little bit of help from Andrea.
I spent the morning writing up the blog from the plan I had made the previous day. When I’d finished, Sawan and Kat showed me the case studies for each region for which I then had to, using the SCAPE website, screenshot all the relevant case studies from all 13 regions and insert these into a PowerPoint. This was a gruelling task as trying to get each slide to line up to the slide above proved harder than it sounds as each slide had a mind of its own, however, once Sawan showed me an easy hack to get around this the task was completed with ease. I also did some research for Rhianne on some potential conferences and roadshows.
Finally, on my last day, I finished the research I had started on Thursday about the conferences and roadshows, then planned and wrote up this blog. Janet read my blog about the housing crisis and gave me some pointers and advice on ways I could improve it. I have really enjoyed my time spent at SCAPE and feel as if I have gained a far greater insight into the planning and thought involved in the running of a business and not just ones made up for exam questions at school!
I feel as if the knowledge I have gained from my time at SCAPE will really help me with my Economics and Business A-Levels at school as I now have an idea of how a business is really run and that solving problems are never as simple as economics would suggest. My week has been very fun and I thank the whole Marketing team massively for making me feel very welcome and always giving me new and exciting tasks and challenges to face every day, and always being happy to help if I was stuck.
Written by:
Mollie Richardson
Work Experience Student
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