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SCAPE Group Chief Executive joins Build UK Board of Directors

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Mark Robinson joins Build UK as Board Director.

A voice for construction

Build UK has confirmed the appointment of SCAPE Group Chief Executive Mark Robinson as a new Board Director, and their first Client member to hold this position, following their Annual General Meeting in September 2023.

He will join an influential group of leaders from across the supply chain, who sit on the board to champion a strong, collective voice for the sector, develop solutions in partnership with the wider industry and drive positive changes for construction projects.

Mark Robinson’s 34-year career across the public sector enables him to draw from experience in construction operations through to strategic transformation and leadership. In fact, he was one of the sector’s youngest chief executives at the age of 32, and continues to inspire his peers and colleagues.

His leadership of SCAPE has been key to its scale and impact across thousands of projects around the UK and his input will help to address the challenges and opportunities in public sector procurement.

I am proud to have joined Build UK's board of directors, and look forward to helping shape and accelerate positive change in the built environment and support its continuous improvement.

Mark Robinson, SCAPE

Group Chief Executive

SCAPE has been working collaboratively with Build UK and its members for several years, including playing a role in the creation of the Common Assessment Standard.

What is the Common Assessment Standard?

The Common Assessment Standard is an industry-recognised accreditation for construction sector contractors and supply chain partners to demonstrate compliance beyond SSIP accreditation, which can be insufficient for some government contracts.

The standard aims to simplify the Pre-Qualification (PQQ) Process and increase business opportunities for suppliers, while for clients it improves efficiency, raises standards and reduces project risk in their construction projects.

Backed by Build UK and CECA, the Common Assessment Standard reviews 13 key areas of risk management and successful organisations must show that they have robust processes for health and safety, environmental impact and quality assurance, among others.

SCAPE was the first UK framework provider to adopt the Common Assessment Standard, giving our public sector clients the reassurance that they would have consistent, high-quality supply chain partners working on their projects as part of our commitment to continuous improvement.

Mark Robinson's role on the board further strengthens our partnership with Build UK, and increases the opportunity for knowledge sharing and best practice with the wider board of directors.

Our organisations share a commitment to raising the standard that clients, communities and residents can expect from built environment projects and from their local supply chain partners who build them.

I’m delighted to welcome Mark Robinson as our first Client member to sit on the Build UK Board. We know we make much more progress if we bring the whole supply chain together to transform the sector, and I look forward to working with him as we capitalise on the depth and breadth of our membership to provide a strong collective voice for construction.

Suzannah Nichol MBE

Build UK Chief Executive

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